Stay Motivated


      Staying motivated to be fit is as important as the workouts itself. Never lose your motivation or whatever that is that is pushing you to be great. Never stop trying to learn about fitness and how you can maximize your workouts. Remember that working out is not about improving on how heavy you can lift or how many miles you can run, it is to stay in shape and to feel good about what we do to our body. Eating healthy and continuous exercise will benefit us in the long run as long as we stay consistent with it. Focus on different workouts and don’t be afraid to change things up to make it interesting. Workouts shouldn’t be routine but it should be a lifestyle. Read articles of people who are benefiting from working out and stick around people who are into these lifestyle because remember being fit and staying healthy is a lifestyle. Find what ever is out there that can motivate you and what ever that can push you a little harder.

Top 3 Workout For Burning Calories In the Gym


1. Dead-lift 4 sets 12 reps

When doing a dead-lift, heavier weight doesn’t mean you burn more calories. instead lets focus on the calories we want to burn. Stick to weights that will be able to help you do 12 reps. Remember to have a good posture on doing this workout because if you do the workout correctly it will maximize your burning calorie capacity.

2. Squats 10,12,15 reps

Just like doing dead-lift we want to be able to do the total amount of reps. Grab a reasonable amount of weights and do the workout properly. Focus on burning the calories instead of how heavy your load is.

3. Jump rope 20 minutes

Jump rope isn’t one of those workout that would only take 3 minutes or less in order to get the most calories out of it. Its ok if you don’t know how to jump rope but imitating without the rope would work. Try to stay at one pace and keep that pace for 20 minutes.

I don’t recommend doing these three workout together in one day. I recommend one of these three workout on cardio day or even for warm ups. Mix em up by doing one workout such as squats on leg day and doing jump-rope on cardio day. As long as you do one of these workout it will maximize your calorie burning capacity and help you achieve the best shape of your life.

The Importance of Stretching


Stretching before and after workout is important to prevent injuries to take place. Stretching before any activities is recommended to help your muscle get some blood flow. I recommend stretching before and after workout because it will help with soreness from an intense workout. When working on your back muscles it is important to target the exact muscles to prevent having pulled-muscle during weight training. Stretch machines can be found on most gym and they are usually target most muscles. There are more difficult stretching methods out there but we will just focus on basic stretches for basic but intense workout. I recommend doing harder stretches when doing back and leg workouts. There are a lot of muscles that can be pulled when doing these workout. Simply lay down on your back and do a circular motion with your legs straightened. You can also hold onto something and use your body weight to stretch your back.

Back, Biceps, and Abs


I like to combine these three workout together because you can target muscles as secondary before you actually work them out. When doing back workouts you are also working your biceps and with a good posture your abs too. I have prepared workout sets for you so you can just follow them step by step. Remember to always have your back straight on any workout even abs. Stay focused and never always to look up and straight when doing back workouts. Never exceed these recommended sets as you may need the energy for the next workout.


Wide grip lat-pull down 4 sets 8-10 reps

one arm dumbbell row 4 sets 12-15 reps

Bend over two arm long barrel row 4 sets 10 reps

Lat machines 4 sets 10 reps

Pull up machines 15 reps


Dumbbell curl 3 sets 15 reps

long barrel curl 3 sets 15 reps

cable curls 3 sets 12 reps


sit-ups 3 sets 30 reps

medicine ball sit-ups 3 sets 20 reps

leg raises 3 sets 30 reps