Supplements To Take During Workout

      Red apple with water splash, isolated on white background

      Water, protein, and simple carbohydrates should be taken during workout. For building muscle protein should be consumed before and after workouts. I prefer using protein supplements because it is more convenient than eating six ounce of beef prior to working out. Water should be consumed during workout. I recommend you to weigh yourself before working out. If you lost any weight after intense workout you can replace a cup of water of each pound lost. It is also important to keep drinking water throughout the day because muscle contains about 75% water. Simple carbohydrates such as sugar are also great before and after workout because it could help you to stay focus and provide energy during workout. After thirty minutes of workout your body will go from burning carbs to burning fat. It is important to provide those simple carbs right away to make sure your body does not use all your energy at first and have the last half of your workout yawning.